Truth 2.0: the evolution of consciousness after the collapse of evidence.‘The Emotional Intelligence Age’ will redefine human existence following ‘The Information Age.’16h ago416h ago4
Clickbait headlines do not manipulate the mind — they massage your heart.Truth fails, yet meaning prevails: the spiritual intelligence creating misinformation.1d ago21d ago2
Spinning your pain into wisdom: the spiritual alchemy of healing our wounds.You are the wound & the healer: turning your inner caterpillar into a butterfly.2d ago52d ago5
Awakening at the Crossroads: Why Now Is the Time to Remember.Quantum Me, Myself, and I — Meeting the Unknown Within.3d ago43d ago4
The Infinite Menu of Dreams: Choosing a Tasty Reality in a Holographic Universe.Choose not from fear, but joy: not from limitation, but creatorship: not from the past — but the eternal moment of all possibility.4d ago44d ago4
The Internet’s mirror of misinformation — what the lies are ‘really’ showing us.The Internet is not the end of truth, but the beginning of a deeper encounter with it.5d ago25d ago2
The Virus that Unmasked Reality: What the Pandemic Revealed about our Collective Consciousness.Coronavirus: The Universe’s Version of a Software Update.5d ago25d ago2
“OMG. Everything is my fault!” The awkward moment you realize you’re everyone in existence.From many to one — returning to oneness without losing yourself.6d ago96d ago9
From woo-woo to true you — how to ground your inner mystic.You are a portal — integrating your multidimensional self.Mar 191Mar 191
Time-bending ‘Zen’ perspective on Democrats versus Republicans.Zen & the Art of Not Losing Your Mind Over Politics.Mar 1825Mar 1825