A Powerful Exercise in Allowance: Surrendering to the Flow of Creation.
One Month of Radical Allowance Will Release Your Suppressed Wounds.
As you expand your consciousness, you will come to realize that everything external is simply a reflection of the self. There is no adversary, no opposing force. Every experience is an extension of your own creation. This realization dissolves fear at its root. There is nothing outside of you that can threaten your existence. The only thing to fear is the unknown — yet, once integrated, the unknown becomes part of you.
The shields you have built are not keeping you safe; they are keeping you limited. The belief in danger perpetuates the experience of danger. Can you put down your shields? Can you allow yourself to feel safe?
To release a shield, you must first believe you no longer need it.
The journey of releasing fear is the journey of embracing trust — trust in yourself, trust in the universe, trust in the unfolding perfection of life. To embody freedom is to stop resisting the flow of life. It is to surrender the need to control, to relinquish the struggle against what is.
True surrender is not passivity; it is alignment.
When you allow yourself to be as you are, when you cease trying to fix, force, or manipulate reality, you enter a state of grace. The universe does not need to be controlled — it is already in perfect harmony. When you align with your spirit, you naturally flow with the rhythm of creation. Abundance, love, joy, and safety do not need to be earned — they arise effortlessly when you stop resisting them. The moment you stop seeking change and simply allow, change happens organically.
Reality is not something to be fought against; it is a teacher. It is a mirror reflecting your consciousness back to you. Trust it. Trust that you are already whole. Trust that everything you desire is already within you. To seek freedom is to believe that you are not already free. To seek enlightenment is to assume you are not already enlightened. The journey is not one of becoming, but of remembering what you already are … what already is.
You are infinite. You are divine. You are already everything you seek.
Let go. Trust. Allow.
In letting go and trusting, you step into the truth of who you are — the embodiment of freedom, the limitless Now, the infinite unfolding of being.
So much of the energy you project — thinking you are building toward the future — is, in reality, reinforcing the barriers within your being. These limitations exist to sustain your story, to maintain the known and familiar. But if you are willing, you are invited to an experiment/exercise:
For the next month, stop consciously creating.
Cease striving to change your reality. Cease looking to escape your current state. Cease resisting yourself and enter a space of complete allowance and observation.
Creation begins with acceptance.
Accept what is. Love what is. The mastery of creation is most potent when you no longer feel ‘the need’ to create because you are already in the flow of ‘the Now moment.’ The deepest freedom emerges when you release the need to define yourself, to control your image, or to shape your life according to rigid expectations.
Let it all go and witness what unfolds.
Through surrender, you enter the flow. This flow of unfolding and blossoming will carry you into the present moment … into freedom … into abundance. By letting go of trying to control external forces, you will experience the liberation of allowing things to unfold naturally.
Instead of trying to dictate how life should be, witness the magic of what it truly is.
This process is rarely smooth. The moment you let go, everything you have suppressed will surface. This is the reckoning: the backlog of wounds, the fears, the unprocessed emotions you have resisted. It is a purging, an unraveling, transformation, and release of all that no longer serves you. And yes, at first, it is likely to feel overwhelming because the proverbial ‘shit hits the fan.’
These fractious energies are not manifesting to punish you; they are surfacing to be released. You have carried these burdens for too long. They are no longer aligned with who you are becoming. The only reason they have remained is because you kept feeding them energy — sustaining the illusion of permanence.
By entering a state of total allowance, you will feel what it is like to take your foot off of the brake. Many have spent years asking for movement, for expansion, while simultaneously resisting change. They put their foot down on the gas, while keeping the brake firmly engaged — wishing for progress but clinging to familiarity.
Once you release your resistance, once you truly let go, life will begin to shift. The things you have held at bay will begin to move. The process will challenge you, but trust in it. Allow the change. Let the past unravel and reveal what it has been holding onto. The freedom you seek lies on the other side of these barriers. The dreams you have longed for are waiting to enter your life, but they cannot integrate until you release the energetic walls holding them away. At first, it may feel like nothing is happening. But in time, you will see — this is not an end; it is the opening of a door.
This process unfolds in layers. Know that you will not be asked to endure more than you are ready to face. Trust in the pacing that unfolds from your spirit. Release the need to compare or measure your progress against some imagined ideal.
As long as you focus on what is lacking, you reject what is present.
Learn to love your reality. It is perfect in its own way, even if, at first, you cannot see it. You are not being punished; you are simply witnessing the reflection of your own choices. Even the scarcity you perceive is an aspect of your own creation. As you shift into alignment, abundance will naturally follow. You are not here to fix a broken reality; you are here to embrace it so it can evolve naturally, without any pressure for you to control it.
So, the exercise is: for the next month, consider viewing everything in your life as perfect. Do this so that you can let go of trying to control it or force something different into existence. See even your financial state as perfect — not as a mistake, but as a conscious choice. And, in doing so, observe how your perspective begins to shift.
As you enter this process, old wounds will arise. These wounds are not obstacles; they are invitations to heal. To face them is to allow their dissolution. Do not suppress them. Do not turn away from them. Instead, hold space for them. Allow them to be seen, to be felt, and they will resolve / transform / release without effort.
Resistance prolongs suffering. Acceptance liberates.
You may have attempted to heal certain wounds before, only to feel as though the effort was in vain. But realize that you have changed. The time is different now. You are ready in ways you were not before. Trust in this moment. Allow your wounds to arise, and they will heal as they were always destined to — you created them to have the experience of transforming them.
Through this exercise, you will begin to see that much of your resistance stems from attachments to duality — concepts of right and wrong … success and failure … worth and unworthiness. This is the discovery that you have measured yourself against arbitrary scales, believing one end to be superior to the other. But these scales are illusions — illusions with the potential for potent meaning, but illusions all the same.
To see the beauty in all things, even the seemingly undesirable, is to step into the complete allowance of the moment. Your spirit exists in the full spectrum of experience. Intelligence and ignorance, beauty and perceived flaws, light and darkness — these are not opposites, but expressions of the same whole.
One of the most ingrained illusions is the concept of ‘sacred.’ Humanity defines certain things as sacred, and in doing so, we limit our ability to experience the full breadth of reality. Consider this: if you held a sacred object in your hands, could you smash it with a hammer? What emotions would arise? Would it feel wrong?
Sacredness, in this context, becomes a limitation. This is not to say reverence is bad, but rather, that it creates separation. Either everything is sacred, or nothing is. The moment you elevate something above all else, you create hierarchy, and with hierarchy comes limitation. This acts as a barrier to your full expansion … your full experience of perception.
When you enter the flow of your own spiritual unfolding, you will begin to see reality responding in a new way. That which is resonant with your heart/spirit will welcome you effortlessly. That which is not resonant will begin to fall away. You will no longer need to push, to struggle, to force. The path will open before you with ease. Trust this.
Trust that life does not need to be controlled — it only needs to be allowed.
Go where you are welcomed. Let go of resistance. Let go of the need to struggle. Allow joy to be your guide. In doing so, you become a beacon, radiating the energy of infinite freedom.
You do not need to change the world, just step into the fullest expression of yourself. This alone is the greatest gift you can give.
Let go of control. Let go of resistance. Let go of judgment. Nothing needs to change. All is well.
When you realize nothing needs to change, you set everything free to transform.
You are already whole. You are already abundant. You are already divine.
Allow your wounds to heal. Allow your reality to unfold. Allow yourself to be All That You Are.
This is freedom. This is the embodiment of your divine self. This is you. You are God.
The last three articles have been based on my first spoken channel from 2005 called “The Embodiment of Freedom.” In the latest One Consciousness podcast, I talk about how this version of the message was created and read the complete text. You can watch on the video below (with visuals and music), or the MP3 (no music) can be downloaded or streamed from the podcast’s page on my website.