How Love Creates/Created Time.
Our love of individuality is accelerating time.
I have always been fascinated by the concept of time and how it can be warped and played with, making it a revelatory window into the nature of reality.
Time is an illusion, and, just like its counterpart, physical matter, it is a cornerstone of the human experience. Despite this, time can be warped and played with in a way that bends logic and reason. Nothing is constant, not even the speed of light; everything is relative to its surroundings and experiences.
Science has deduced that time and space are two sides of the same coin, and time is not a universal constant; this is demonstrated by the example of atomic clocks on the surface versus in orbit around the Earth, showing different times due to their different speeds and the bending of space-time. (GPS has to account for this variance in the speed of time).
The relativity of time is not just a scientific concept; it also applies to our subjective experience of time, which is influenced by our emotions and focus. This makes time seem to pass faster or slower depending on the situation. The experience of time is relative; for example, we can feel like we have magically achieved a lot in a short period of time.
Our relativity is also reflected in the mass-level experience of time feeling like it is accelerating with each decade that passes. This acceleration is not just because of outward technological advancements; it also affects our inner experience, potentially making it feel like events from a few years ago were in another lifetime (thereby altering the level of meaning we ascribe to the experience of them).
The current rate of acceleration is difficult to consciously recognize because we are constantly acclimatizing to our new speed, but it can be perceived from entering a deeper, more connected state. The current rate of change is one of the most significant aspects of our collective awakening at this time. Our acceleration allows us to compare different personal experiences of human life from within one embodiment, effectively living several human lifetimes from within one life / body.
The acceleration is not caused by an external force (external is an illusion) but rather by the collective or individuals themselves from within the system … it is a unified collective choice. Creating the human experience was a choice to experience differentiation, where the one consciousness chose to experience itself as separate embodiments (the many) through a process of forgetting (making parts of itself unconscious). In the beginning, our sense of individuality was not as strong as it is now, but as people focused on their individuated self, it evolved and became more defined / acute / distinct.
The focus of our consciousness is a stream of energy that evolves / feeds / nurtures whatever it is trained on. Our focus on our individuation is not fuel for the acceleration of time … it is the accelerator / acceleration … the acceleration and the choice to explore individuality (which happens by focusing on it) are one and the same.
The intensification of the individuated self led to a thicker veil of forgetting, increasing the sense of individuality over unity and connection, but this is not a tragedy; it is a love story where a part of the one consciousness fell in love with the experience of individuated self creatorship. This love story is not about falling in love with ego in a negative sense
Our love story is about loving the sensual experience of being embodied.
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