No Thing Separates You from Joy.
“I choose to live by using my feeling of joy as my primary guidance.”
Know that there is no single outward ‘thing’ that is necessary for joy. You are engaging your path if you are feeling either joy or fear. Understanding how you are on your path is not required to experience the joy of your path. In life, there is the constant choice of joy or fear. To manifest the choice for joy is to decide — with all your being — that you are ready for and deserve to feel joy.
Everything before you on the plate of your life is there for a reason.
Do not doubt this, for to do so is to live in a reality where you believe there are mistakes. There are no mistakes. If there is a persistent morsel of food on the plate of your life that you do not like, eat it to find out why it is there, and you will move beyond it. In this way, you will make room for something new.
There is nothing more important or more spiritual than being in your joy.
There is no spiritual ideal, no spiritual truth, no spiritual goal that requires you to sacrifice your joy. The seeking of spirituality (your spirit) and the seeking of joy — when seen clearly from the heart — are seen to be the same. To enter your joy, you must transform your feelings of shame and guilt and release self-limiting beliefs such as the ideas that we are born fallen or that your desires are dangerous temptations.
It is time to transform any feelings that you still have around the need for salvation, redemption, or forgiveness. Know that no one died for your sins because there were no sins to die for. In relation to Christian terminology, ‘The Cross’ is a symbol of the shame and guilt that humanity still carries and is something that each person touched by that religion must put down of their own accord. To see Christ on the Cross (or any other religious equivalent) is to see yourself as deserving of (or desiring of) crucifixion or martyrdom.
Do not do anything from the idea of it being for a ‘higher purpose.’ Do it because you feel to. Do it because you want to. Then — and only then — will you be radiating the fulfillment of your intention for this life. Only then will you be living the legacy spoken of by the great spiritual masters (such as Jesus Christ, Buddha, Sri Krishna, Jane Roberts, and Lao-Tzu). If the salvation of religion exists, then it is the realization of joy and not death. You do not need to die. You do not need to be ‘saved.’ You need to live.
Live in joy.
Your path refers to the on going fulfillment of the feeling-based intention that created your mortal life. This is a path without a strict definition or destination because there is no end to the ways in which you can fulfill your intention for this life.
Whether or not you currently identify as religious, the human belief in mistakes was founded in religion and its idea of original sin. This is the belief that because we experience pain and suffering in human form, we must have committed some mistake or crime, for which we will be punished until we redeem ourselves. When the guidance of your feelings is followed — rather than the mental judgment and division of good versus bad — you will discover that all that arises through the following of your heart is valuable. And when that value is felt, no experience can be seen as a mistake.
The fear-based idea that it was a mistake to create a reality that is not based solely on joy has been a defining part of what it is to be human (one that religion embodied and then fostered through its teachings around sin, guilt, and shame).
The idea of correcting a mistake or sin is also the feeling behind the concept of ‘the greater good.’ This is where logical, mental arguments are used to justify doing something that feels antagonistic to how we feel as a person (such as, “We must kill them, or they will kill us”). This is not about mental arguments being used to justify something that is ‘morally wrong’; it is internal logic being used to justify actions we do not feel good about (having concluded that we do not have a choice).
This is a clear example of the subjugation of feeling by thought and is the basis of what allows the human experience to be so polarized. This is because it is governed by our mental fears alongside the unifying love of all that innately emerges from the following of feeling (the heart).
Our mind is an incredible creation that makes the human experience possible by opening us to unexpected and diverse possibilities. Approach the exploration of this diversity through the understanding that the basis of life is joy.
By using your feelings as your primary guidance — which is to embrace allowance and inclusivity — you can find peace in any moment.
Text from ‘One Consciousness: The Matter of Consciousness’ — Check out my full library with free mp3 at