Take a small step towards creating your dream today.
Words to pivot your perception to an exciting new reality.
This brief article is a powerful invitation to recognize the transformative power of your consciousness. By shifting your perspective on experiences usually labeled as negative, you can learn to perceive reality as being perfect just as it is, regardless of its outward presentation.
Your life experience is not determined by your conditions or circumstances but by how you perceive, interpret, and respond to it as a source of unfolding information. This recognition is a source of immense empowerment; it is an invitation to take ownership of your life and your experience.
This reality is a leading edge of infinite consciousness, characterized by expansion and the creation of new experiences.
The human experience is a state of existence through which consciousness is expanding; this creates an edge of experience that eternally unfolds outward through new experiences. Emotions are the experience of your consciousness unfolding; they result from the internal sensation of energetic flow or motion that occurs as ‘the one consciousness’ expands through the individuated experience of self (as the unconscious is made conscious).
The nature of being an edge in motion gives rise to aspects of reality, such as the sensation of difference, time, and matter; these create an experience based on the perception of relativity. The expansion of reality also creates the experience of separation and contrast which allows the one consciousness to experience itself as many, giving rise to the infinite potential of creation, where each being unfolds a unique story of self.
By embracing the contrast of the human experience, widen your aperture of perception enough to recognize that your story of self is a unique vessel of perspective. This reality is a complex interplay of diverse perspectives, resulting in a forward flow (a continuous movement towards growth and expansion) that is experienced as the unfolding of life; this is characterized by the desire to experience more … the experience of becoming.
Within the human experience, there is a collective focus on the discrepancy between ‘what is’ and ‘what is wanted.’ The perception of this discrepancy creates a sense of dissatisfaction and low self-worth (a shadow), but it also fuels our passionate desire for positive change and expansion (a light).
Discrepancy creates the experience / perception of contrast.
The perception of contrast gives rise to the experience of choice, a fundamental aspect of the human experience. This choice is a potent tool that allows you to focus your consciousness and direct your energy toward the unfolding of whatever you desire.
The experience of discrepancy and the desire for change are essential components of the creative process (a treasured part of the human experience). We choose to experience this state of expansion despite the inevitability of negative experiences and the potential for suffering.
The release of suffering is initiated by shifting your perspective on the discrepancy, by recognizing it is not inherently negative but a manifestation of the choice to be in a state of expansion and creation.
This powerful shift in perspective involves embracing the diversity and change inherent in this reality and recognizing that suffering, though not inevitable, is a completely valid (and understandable) choice for experience. The release of suffering comes from seeing that it is not about shifting your external circumstances (as that cannot be reliably and consistently achieved); it is about a shift in perspective that allows you to meet / engage with the discrepancy as an opportunity / a potential for growth and expansion.
By embracing the choice to be in this reality and the state of expansion that comes with it, you can experience a profound sense of balance and unity with the world … you are not alone in your experience.
To experience this level of freedom, you must embrace the entire nature of this reality, including experiencing the discrepancy between what you want and what you have, including feeling fear and suffering. To unconditionally love anything is to love the whole of it. This is how wide your embrace of the human experience must be because that is how wide your embrace must be to love all that you are. Embracing this reality in its entirety brings an incredible sense of liberation and freedom because it is to step out of fearing your experience,
Loving the present moment and the full beauty / experience of reality is not just integral, but transformative in finding inner peace, the freedom to create consciously, and connecting with your spirit.
Unconditional love involves accepting the discrepancy between ‘what you want to be’ and ‘what already is’ rather than fighting against it. All expansion, even if it results from suffering, is positive / of value / beneficial and leads to a wider perspective and clearer experience. By fully embracing the present moment, you can feel more connected and present in your experience, experiencing a profound sense of unity and peace.
Resistance to change is self-resolving, as the act of resisting focuses energy on the issue, inevitably — given time — causing it to heal; this inevitable resolution means there is nothing to fear in facing the change before you.
Embracing the changing nature of reality is a key to creating an effortless experience of transformation. It allows you to enter the flow that arises from expansion. To experience this flow, let go of the mind and ask your heart to lead you, allowing answers to arise from deep within.
You are the choice to have this experience; realizing this unifies you with that choice, making you conscious of your choice to be as you are.
Taking even a small step towards creating what you desire is a powerful invitation to the universe / reality, opening up new journeys for expansion and expressing the freedom of your consciousness. Each small step you take is a testament to your courage and determination, and it is the beginning of a new adventure in consciousness, filled with hope and potential. Remember, even the smallest step can lead to significant growth.
Take a small step this day.
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