The Belief Revolution: Redefining Existence Through Personal Belief Systems.
Echoes in the DNA: Rewriting the Script of Human Experience.
“Believing Reality” (a free mp3) is a channeled message about into how our beliefs profoundly shape our lives. With the majority of my channel work being in audio recordings, I’m excited to release summaries of some of these powerful messages here on Medium so they can reach a wider audience than those who listen to channeled recordings.
Believing Reality into Existence.
Each of us weaves a unique tapestry of beliefs that act as both locks and keys, sculpting our personal reality. While everything is ‘technically’ accessible within the human experience, we often find ourselves navigating a historical system that restricts us within familiar patterns and frameworks deeply embedded in our bodies and even our DNA.
The human experience is fundamentally a belief system in which we choose to experience life as human.
Typically, our perceptions are shaped by prevailing mass beliefs. While resisting these beliefs can be done, it’s not our primary role in this reality. Exploring realms that others may not acknowledge can indeed be challenging. However, areas within our mass belief system are rapidly evolving, opening us to new experiences that were once ignored or resisted.
Your reality reflects your beliefs and the intricacies of our collective history are based on choices made from a unified perspective. This shared history serves as both “locks and keys” that can either open or restrict our experiences. Instead of merely pushing against prevailing beliefs, our passion as explorers of consciousness is to venture into new realms of thought as our belief systems naturally evolve.
Reality mirrors our beliefs; we have the power to determine how deeply intertwined we are with its historical context, acting as our personal locks and keys.
Consider the unconventional realms of belief, such as angels, UFOs, and conspiracy theories. These fascinating subjects exemplify the extraordinary influence of belief. If you dismiss these ideas, they won’t appear in your reality; rather, you’ll navigate the world through your own set of truths.
Living within a structured belief system is not a lesser path; every belief shapes a rich experience, adding depth and focus to your journey. The objective isn’t to elevate one perspective over another but to recognize that each belief serves a unique and valuable purpose. Exploring these “doorways of unconventional beliefs” can profoundly transform your perception. By embracing these beliefs, you’ll encounter perspectives that have the potential to reshape your reality significantly.
There’s nothing wrong with the reality you’ve created for yourself. It’s an intricate container that can be reshaped through your beliefs. Within the vast expanse of consciousness lies a multitude of well-developed belief systems that resonate with the collective mindset. These alternative beliefs are filled with energy and intrigue, inviting you to tap into them. As you adopt these beliefs, your reality begins to reflect them back to you in exciting and unexpected ways.
Unlocking these belief systems requires an open-hearted willingness to explore.
By entertaining diverse truths, you naturally broaden your experiences to encompass phenomena that may have once appeared implausible. These realities are not absolutes but possibilities for those ready to embrace them.
Relinquishing rigid absolutes allows you to acknowledge that what holds true for one may not resonate for another, yet this does not diminish its value as a perspective. This understanding empowers you to accept unfamiliar reality experiences and instead focus on what ignites your passion. By honoring different beliefs — even when they diverge from yours — you create a space for your own extraordinary, mind-altering experiences within the vibrant tapestry of existence.
Unlock the liberating potential of your beliefs. You hold the power to design your reality while fully engaging in the human experience.
Embrace your human journey to unveil how shaping your beliefs can open a gateway to infinite possibilities.
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