The Mastery of Fear.
“I choose to not allow what I fear to lead me to not make the life choices that excite me most.”
Fear is not an external force — it is a feeling of resistance that arises from within us, which incorporates a myriad of emotions. Although external events often trigger fear, the events themselves are not the cause of the fear — they are external reflections of what you are resistant to (which tells you something about yourself). When seen in this light, the feeling of fear can be met as a powerful signpost to the aspects of reality — which are mirrors of aspects of yourself — towards which you have resistance.
Because fear is created by unconsciousness, all fear is — at some level — a fear of the unknown. Therefore, instead of approaching it with fear, meet the unknown as a reflection of the aspects of yourself that you have not yet felt ready to meet.
The mastery of fear arises from the acceptance that there are no experiences of fear except that which we create for ourselves.
To explore your deepest fears is to explore the most unconscious aspects of yourself. Trust in the chosen face of your fear to approach its resolution from an empowered standpoint. You will know when you have finished exploring it because when you stand in the breadth of your knowing, you will no longer fear it.
To live in fear is to be dominated by that fear in such a way that you find yourself unable to not include it in your focus. To be fearless is not to never feel fear — as that is a part of being human) — it is to not be controlled by your fears. This means no longer making fear-based choices by avoiding or trying to control what you fear. To be fearless is to choose what most excites you without regard for what you fear. Do this through the understanding that the feeling of fear only ever distorts the feeling of guidance that our emotions offer.
Fear not your fear — it is your freedom disguised as mental doubt. This is to see the way in which your fear is your freedom (if you are willing to step through the change in perception that it represents). Instead of seeing fear as a ‘bad thing,’ someone who has mastered fear knows that the sheer strength of a profound fear is an asset of feeling that reflects the potential for you to open to a new reality by stepping through it.
Meet your fear to more fully meet yourself.
Know thyself to know there is nothing to fear. When you do not fear fear, you will cease to create with it. Walk through your fears to discover why you created them. This will reveal them as carefully crafted gateways of self-empowerment for you to potentially explore in this life.
Fear is the fear of feeling something. We do not fear external ‘things’ — we fear what they may cause us to feel. To be a master of fear is to be a master of feeling, as it is to know there is nothing you are incapable of feeling. No feeling has the power to destroy you. Feelings only ever have the power to temporarily consume you while you integrate their message of change.
To open yourself up to feeling is to allow yourself to be vulnerable because you are open to meeting the aspects of yourself that most challenge you. It is then to meet these challenges at an emotional level (instead of shutting down your feelings and trying to process them purely on a mental level). This is to fully meet what you have feared. Through this process, you will realize that the only ‘things’ you will ever meet in life are ever more reflections of yourself.
To allow your vulnerability is the choice to be proud of your ability to show it and model it as a strength. This redefines strength as the ability to be open and transparent through the allowance of vulnerability. If you wish to flex this muscle, invite the changes in your life around which you feel the greatest combination of fear and excitement. Seek experiences where you feel vulnerable. And, when you feel that fear, relish exploring it (instead of perceiving it as a problem).
At the heart of your vulnerability is freedom — an unexpressed aspect of yourself — that you have been afraid of integrating.
To feel and meet this freedom is to integrate that aspect of yourself. Approach your feelings of vulnerability with an open heart. Bask in its fiery energy as it flows through your body and destroys outdated fear-based patterns. Allow yourself to be changed by these feelings to meet a deeper experience of being embodied.
To awaken to your spirit is to know you are connected to everything, and that means, if you wish to experience the reality of that connection, you are open to feeling everything. Limiting and protecting your feelings limits your ability to feel and be. A heart that is truly open has no fear of feeling. A heart that knows freedom is equally open to feeling devastation and loss as it is to feeling love.
Text from ‘One Consciousness: The Matter of Consciousness’ — Check out my full library with free mp3 at