The Paradox of Presence — Choosing What to Unforget.
You have stepped into conscious experience by stepping into unconsciousness of your infinite nature.
Everything about our mortal perception is relative to its surroundings. All that we know as experience is relative. Therefore, if you take yourself to infinite consciousness and experience the infinity of everything, nothing changes. Nothing is changing in all creation, because it all already exists. Therefore, in terms of how we experience perception, infinite consciousness has no experience (by virtue of it only having a singular, eternal experience with nothing to compare it against).
There is no experience in the state of infinite consciousness.
You have stepped into the creation of conscious experience by stepping into limitation … into unconsciousness of your infinite nature.
For experience to occur, there has to be a part of us that is unconscious in order to give us a conscious focus — directed awareness. otherwise, when you are everything, there is nowhere and no way to move. What you experience as your perception is a shifting limited-focus (with that limit defined by your unconsciousness) around the infinite matrix of probabilities that is creation. You are steering this limited focus, which, because it is limited, can move across the infinite probabilities / timelines within creation (which is the experience of moving through time).
You are that which chooses your focus.
You are the choice of your shifting focus.
You direct your focus.
You are within infinity … within infinite creation, within every possibility that could ever be imagined existing. This can be hard to believe because we, in our exploration of individuality, have conditioned ourselves to have extremely limited ideas of our creative abilities. To awaken to your wider nature is to extend / open your ideas of what you can create.
As an explorer of consciousness, you are traversing infinite creation. This is how the experience of creation is effortless. Effort is an illusion. In reality, there is only the navigation of a limited focus around the infinite matrix. Because of the unconsciousness that forms your focus…
You possess the ability to bring probabilities into consciousness from unconsciousness; this is the cutting-edge of your experience.
All realities … all experiences of beingness are formed by the selective application of unconsciousness to the one infinite state of consciousness. By changing the selected unconsciousness, you change your reality. This is how you navigate the infinite matrix of creation. You do it through self-selected unconsciousness.
- You decide where you are by determining where you aren’t.
- You decide where you aren’t by determining where you are.
- This is the only choice.
- This is what creation is.
Imagine taking a block of marble representing infinite consciousness (the infinite matrix of creation). Every possibility in existence is present in the block of marble. Every possible sculpture exists within the block of marble. The marble is All That Is.
We are beings of limited / focused / intentional consciousness that can look at that block of marble, and by making parts of it unconscious (and, therefore, invisible), a sculpture appears. We are infinitely free to create any sculpture. We are free to animate that sculpture across time by changing it/making changes. This is all to say that… we create through the selective application of blindness / unconsciousness. We do not create by building with effort. We choose which reality to bring ourselves to by selecting from the infinite menu of possibilities (where everything already exists). Any fear of this idea comes from not understanding infinity. Everything already existing is not a limit because nothing is limited by this because it is infinite.
You are the Infinite pretending to be finite. You are the Infinite, and you do not need to fear yourself. You have chosen to exist in the infinite playground of creation.
There are no limits to what you can imagine.
There are no limits to what you can be.
You are free to create anything.
You are blessed to be human.
You have given this blessing to yourself.
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