The physical universe is a by-product of consciousness exploring itself.
Consciousness is not an evolutionary by-product; it created biological evolution.
“Do not fear feeling fear. Fear is the feeling of a lie. Face the fear to perceive the lie. Face your fears to know the truth. Look through the doorway of death by facing your fears in life.”
There is only one consciousness in existence. At its widest level of experience, it exists in an eternal state of perfection / bliss. This is a bliss without opposite and means it is not a bliss that is felt as we experience it (which, due to our polarized perception, is partially felt as an absence of suffering).
This state of consciousness is called ‘Source Consciousness’ because all experiences of consciousness emerge from it. It is the source of you, of me, of jam on toast, and of distant galaxies. To us, what most clearly defines it is its breadth of focus. It is consciousness focusing on consciousness (which is no level of focus at all because consciousness is all that exists). You could call it unfocused, but the idea that it is focused equally on everything is conceptually more useful.
Like Source Consciousness, we are focused on ourselves. This is why all realities are a mirror. As consciousness is the only thing in existence, it can only perceive itself (and to look in a mirror is to focus on perceiving yourself).
All realities are the experience of looking in a mirror.
Existence is a mirror.
Source Consciousness is an infinite experience because there is no end to how far you can focus-in on something. Zooming-in on something is like falling into an ever-changing fractal pattern. We are each Source Consciousness focusing on an aspect of itself. Because of this, we experience ourselves as an aspect of it (even though we are the whole). Through focusing, Source Consciousness creates the infinite experience of aspects (AKA qualities).
There is no end to the experience of ‘you.’
You can live forever, experiencing ever more versions of yourself. However, in this journey, you will find yourself repeatedly returning to the state you birthed from (which mirrors how all experience eventually returns to the widest state of perception / source consciousness). In continually returning to yourself, you accumulate new experiences / perspectives. This means that instead of running in repeated circles, you are going in ever-new circles. This is experienced as ascending a spiral / temporal evolution.
The accumulation of perspectives creates a widening aperture of perception.
This widening is what creates the spiral. This is why every cycle is new. As perception opens, the cycles become potentially wider and gives each cycle’s state of consciousness the ability to perceive the cycles they contain / envelope. Or, phrased another way…
The accumulation of experience creates a widening breadth of perception. This is why every life you experience is new. As perception opens, the lives you live become potentially more aware of the bigger picture, allowing them to perceive other lives they have lived (typically those connected to their current life).
In this series of texts, we have compared this growing aperture of perception to a young soul learning to read shapes, letters, and then words, who then grows up to be a mature soul who can instantly recognize phrases, to eventually becoming an ancient soul who can instantly recognize whole chapters, to becoming a non-embodied state of collective consciousness that can recognize whole books / lives / libraries. This is the wider reality that we exist in, not the physical universe. We are consciousness within an experience of focused perception, not biological beings in a fight for survival against each other and our environment.
The battle for survival may be an incredibly real illusion, but the finality of death is not.
To open your perception beyond the typical human level of focus is to look through the door of death and see that there is something present.
Experience continues. Consciousness continues. Death is not the end.
There is a big difference between thinking you know death is not the end and having the courage to look through the door of death. Many people think they know something is there, yet they are afraid to look. If you are afraid to look, you do not fully know (meaning, you partially exist in doubt / fear). This creates the seemingly closed fear-based perceptual loop.
Only when you do not fear death will you discover that death does not need to be feared. Breaking the impasse requires having the courage to face what you fear.
Awakening can be approached mentally — that is why I spend my time writing these words — but it cannot be achieved mentally. These words can lead you to the water, but only you can recognize and drink it. These ideas can direct you towards the door, but only you can walk through the portal of transformation it represents.
- I love creating / imagining / receiving / expressing water, but thankfully, I have lost my desire to encourage people to drink. I have released that attachment / desire for control.
What does not fearing death look like? It is different for each of us. If it was the same there would be no need for both of us to experience it (because we are all Source Consciousness / the same consciousness). Sharing our experiences of awakening points at the collective meeting point / the shared point of reference.
- For myself, the doorway of death looked to contain the knowing of how I would physically die in this life. This filled me with a surprising amount of fear. It is frightening to feel the potential of seeing how you will die. I was being asked not to fear seeing my future, and that was being asked not to fear my life.
To not fear death is not to fear what life is.
- Do you fear what life is?
- Do you fear why you are here?
- Do you fear you have sinned?
- Do you fear what you have done in your past lives?
- Do you fear this life is a test and you will find out if you have passed or failed when you die?
- Do you fear this life is a punishment?
- Do you fear seeing yourself clearly?
- Do you fear seeing the truth of your life, free from all lies and distortion?
- Do you fear completely knowing yourself?
- Do you fear yourself?
To fear death is to fear what you are (because when you die, you will meet yourself, free of your limited human focus). You do not need to fear what you are. I can tell you what you are. You are Source Consciousness. We are all the same.
- Whatever you are, I am (and vice-versa).
- Whatever you have said, I have said (and vice-versa).
- Whatever you have thought, I have thought (and vice-versa).
- Whatever you have felt, I have felt (and vice-versa).
- You are not alone.
- We all meet in all experiences.
When we meet at the level of source consciousness, all experience is shared.
“There is nothing to fear except fear itself.” We are the ones who designed fear to be that way. All interaction with fear is chosen by your spirit. The only reason you are experiencing any fear is that you have been using it to focus your human experience. You have used fear to sculpt your aperture of perception. There has been no mistake. All fear is a lie because anything, when fully known, is not feared (because anything fully known is discovered to be Source Consciousness).
Do not fear fear.
Do not fear feeling fear.
Fear is the feeling of a lie.
Fear is your emotions telling you that you are believing in a lie.
Face the fear to perceive the lie.
Face your fears to know the truth.
Look through the doorway of death by facing your fears in life.
Fear is a repulsive force in an attractive universe, and it is what allows Source Consciousness to focus and sculpt its perception into time-space realities. Darwinian evolution is an accurate and valuable perception of a phenomenon within the human experience. The only correction to the scientific viewpoint is that consciousness created biological evolution.
Biological evolution did not create consciousness.
Eternal consciousness chose to focus on the time-space experience, including its creation of the human experience. Within the human experience, we are biologically predisposed to focus our perception. This is most clearly shown in our retinas, where we have a literal focal point that contains an extra high density of receptors and can also perceive color (whereas our periphery vision has a lower density of reception and predominantly perceives in black and white).
The biological focusing of our retina is not just a Darwinian response to the environment (as science would have us believe). It is the choice of consciousness to focus expressed into the biology created when eternal consciousness wishes to experience physical form in a time-space environment. This is simply saying that…
Consciousness is not an evolutionary by-product of Darwinian evolution.
Darwinian evolution is the expression into time and physical matter of the desire of eternal consciousness to have the human experience.
When infinite consciousness (God) created trees, it did not create a seed first because its temporal aperture of perception encapsulates the whole life of the tree. It created the entire lifecycle of the tree instantaneously. It is just that we experience that tree’s life spread across linear time because we are within the time-space system. It is like an author first imagining the central plot for a novel, as opposed to coming up with the story a sentence at a time from the beginning.
Science and spirituality are harmonious (not contradictory) when you extract all the religious nonsense and distortion accumulated over thousands of years of physically, sexually, and emotionally abusive, power-hungry priests and religious scholars trying to control people for their own gain.
The reality of science versus religion is evident, but any idea of that applying to science versus spirituality is a misnomer.
Science believes consciousness arose from the random interaction of physical elements following the Big Bang. Spirituality believes that consciousness is non-physical and eternal, and it created the time-space experience (in order to experience it). Religion believes the meaning of life has been captured in allegorical fairy tales that have been twisted a thousand times and weren’t that accurate to begin with.
Consciousness did not create our biology on a drawing board. Consciousness did not have to work or study to create creaturehood. Time-space is a quality. All qualities reflect eternal consciousness, as eternal consciousness is the root of All That Is. To eternal consciousness (God), imagination is reality. Just as you do not have to put work into creating the dream worlds, you visit when you sleep at night, so infinite consciousness did not work to create our physical form.
- Dreams are expressions of ideas.
- Humanity is the expression of an idea into time-space.
- You and I are the expression of an idea.
- Humanity is an idea.
Time-space is not inert. Surely, even science agrees with this if they believe that time-space has the power to spontaneously create consciousness from the motion and chemical reactions of its time-space particles.
Time-space is an expressive palette with which consciousness can create. Our biology formed from an idea, and that idea arose from a wanting for experience. You are what results when eternal consciousness wants to experience what it is to be you. Your consciousness is not a by-product. When it comes to the creation of ‘The Universe,’ the experience of consciousness within the universe is the desired result.
The perceptual illusion of the physical universe (that exists within consciousness) is the by-product.
God did not say, “I want to experience physical embodiment within a linear time-stream.” That is too conceptual. It was more emotional. God felt, “I want to experience a reflection of myself. I do not want to be alone. I want to see myself. I want to know myself. I want to meet myself.” And that impulse created the time-space experience (which is based upon mirrors / reflection).
Eternal consciousness sees our whole life as one moment. In wanting to experience what it is to be you, consciousness is not wanting or preferring any particular moment of your life. Eternal consciousness is not enduring being you in order to create a few peak moments within your life. To say that you exist because God wanted to be you refers to every moment of your life. God doesn’t just like the taste of food. It loves the complete temporal journey.
God loves eating. God loves digesting. God loves a good sh!t.
Love without fear is impartial. Eternal consciousness loves us all equally because it loves itself (and we are embodiments of it). God’s love for every moment of your life is impartial. No moment of your life is there to be endured so that you may experience a better moment. The moments of your life are equal in God’s eyes. The love of God is impartial.
- Infinite consciousness unconditionally loves you.
- Infinite consciousness loves the totality of you.
- Infinite consciousness loves you no more and no less than anything else in existence.
You are here to experience a journey of evolution. Nothing is static because it takes infinite energy to be still. Life is a flow. Intention is a river. God has an intention for experience that is expressed as the Big Bang, which is still unfolding. You are a part of that unfolding.
You are an expression of the intention of infinite consciousness that has been unfolding since the creation of the universe.
Text from ‘The Time Weaver’s Guide: Expand Your Temporal Focus.’ — Check out my full library with free mp3 at