This is what the future will feel like.
Using your collective consciousness to know all will be well.
“You are rare to be tasting our common future. Feel our future through the collective. Feelings that are rare now will be common in the future.”
To move from an individual mindset to a collective mindset is to let go of the idea that the self you are currently experiencing is all that you are. This is to accept there is more to you than you can possibly know in your current form.
Are you currently capable of accepting and being at peace with a state of ‘not knowing’?
This is not said as a competitive challenge. Typically, we would rather not know of the existence of that which we cannot know. ‘Not knowing’ triggers our fears. ‘Not knowing’ does not feel safe. The allowance of the unknown takes many lives to emerge as a possibility. It is not a state of bravery. It is a state of spiritual maturity.
To move from an individual mindset to a collective mindset is to move from ‘possessing, owning, and competing’ to ‘transparency, sharing, and connecting’.
There has been nothing wrong with the feelings of possession, ownership, and competition. But they are energies you will naturally leave behind as you awaken to your collective nature. To then reject them in others is to hold those energies in your reality. Let them simultaneously transmute and fall away as allies that once served you well but at a different time in history.
The desire to possess and the need to compete are of a time that is passing.
Collective consciousness is not superior to individuality. They are simply different apertures of perception, and we engage whichever best reveals / communicates whatever it is that we want to experience. You naturally select whatever perspective will be most effective.
To see things from all sides is powerful, but it is also disarming. The collective level of perception disarms individuality. It can be hard to feel anger when you see the big picture, yet the emotional self must be allowed its own expression … its own voice in the world.
There is a place for you in this world, but you are the one who must give that seat to your whole being and not just the parts you’re most comfortable with.
To start birthing aspects of the future human form now is to taste wonders, but it is also to collide two different ways of perceiving reality (the shared element of our present mindset with the future mindset). For example, a 25th-century mindset paired with a 20th-century emotional body has little provision for the needs of that emotional body.
To engage with these kinds of ideas is atypical / rare. It is to live in an uneasy state of relativity with the consensus mindset. The world does not comprehend the collective voice (… yet). It is why so many old souls withdraw from the world. It feels like the path of least resistance (and often it is).
In these spaces, old souls create wonders to share with the emerging consciousness / heart of the planet.
There is, of course, nothing ‘wrong’ with this withdrawal. You are free to navigate your experience as you wish. However, what is encouraged is that you do not let the comfort of that isolation stop you from believing in the dream of finding a place in the whole where you fit. It is a deep paradox that feeling our collective nature at this point in the timeline makes us different / separate / a freak.
There will be a point in the future where the opposite is true. Where it is rare to be guided by your individuality rather than the collective nature.
Do not be alone because you feel forced to be alone. Do not wall yourself in with that belief. Be alone with the knowing that you have a place / space / seat in this world. Be alone, knowing that one day you will feel to return. When you do, even if it is in a different body, it will be an experience full of wonder. Be alone because that is where you most thrive at this time. Be alone if that is your desire, but know you belong.
Be within the knowing, ‘I am choosing this.’ Be empowered. Be sovereign.
Sometimes you will choose to be alone in order to connect with a feeling deep within you that brings back memories of home. In this, you may find yourself thinking of your past … your childhood or teenage years. You may even feel nostalgic about difficult times.
As children, we feel the collective home / state of consciousness in ways we rarely recognize at the time but can re-access through nostalgia. Sometimes you need to be alone for long enough with a feeling for that feeling to fully penetrate your resistance / apprehension such that you can integrate it into your life.
You are rare to be tasting our common future. Feel our future through the collective. Feelings that are rare now will be common in the future. The feeling in your heart for what a society can be is not a fantasy. It is a reality. It is you feeling the future. Within the present collective is a clear vision of the future collective because it experiences time as a choice.
The future is as clear as the past to the bridging consciousness.
Nothing miraculous needs to happen for humanity to turn itself around. It is not a miracle that your fantasy will be a reality. It is the inevitable result of the lifting of the veil of forgetting. It is what happens when we wake up … the light turning on to reveal all. We simply will not be able to not get along when we know we are one consciousness … when the collective is felt.
When the lights are turned out, and we find ourselves blind, some people do better than others at navigating their reality. Some people are entirely incapacitated. Other people quickly adapt and learn new ways of doing things. Some people develop new heightened senses to compensate. A great disparity / diversity of abilities emerges. However, when the lights are turned back on, everyone sees again — equally well. No one is left struggling, and outward equality resumes (reflecting the equality that has always been). If you are to be alone, then be alone knowing that in the future, all is well.
The world is not falling apart. The jigsaw / big picture / collective is coming together.
Rest in this knowing. Find peace in this knowing. Do not ‘hope’ or ‘trust’ this is true. Know it is true by opening yourself to experience it directly. This is to allow yourself to feel the boundaries you have chosen for your mortal form. These are not the boundaries of your full self. They are the boundaries of the self you know through your mortal life.
To feel these boundaries and know them is to accept that you have chosen to limit your own perception. It is to feel good about confining your aperture of perception. It is to know there is much you have chosen not to know. It is to allow yourself to rest, even though you do not know.
“All will be well. Everything works out.”
Are these words of denial, delusion, or wisdom? What will it take to process your doubt? That is the path before you. The resolution of that doubt cannot be hope, trust, or faith. Let it be about the allowance of your own being to experience the unknown.
Do not be afraid. Not by being brave, but by knowing there is nothing to fear. This is the collective mindset talking to you. This is the future.
In that space, where you dance on the line of your consciousness, exists states of revelation that despite not being tangible or provable, will prove to you without doubt or the need for faith that ‘all is well’.
- You are where you want to be.
- Nothing unexpected is happening.
- Your control is not necessary.
- You can relax now.
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