Your death scene is already written in the infinite mind.
The Death Scene Paradox — Understanding Your Death Scene’s Cosmic Context.
Consciousness exists beyond space and time in an undivided state. With reality being a perceptual projection of that eternal, infinite state of consciousness, one of the more mind-blowing spiritual concepts is that everything already exists. This shocking realization is a part of realizing what consciousness being infinite means.
If everything already exists, the scene that occurs when you die already exists and is potentially viewable.
Typically, this idea is resisted because it can appear to negate freedom. “How are we free if our death scene already exists?” The bottom line of this resistance is the fear-invoking false conclusion that if everything already exists, then our lives are predetermined. This is an understandable misconception. However, everything already existing does not mean your future has already happened.
Just because your death scene exists does not mean you are dead; it just means that one day you will die (and you already know that, even if you try not to think about it). A place may exist, and you may know where it is, but until you have been to that place, there has been no meeting between you and it.
You will not die until you choose to go and visit your death scene.
It is possible that you may have chosen to have many potential death scenarios. Speaking from the level of your spirit’s wider state of consciousness, which knows it is infinite, it could be said that you have a billion potential death scenes. Your spirit, being infinite, can see them all, and it knows you will select one of them to be your death. Therefore, having seen all billion potential outcomes, it can say with certainty that your spirit has seen your death scene.
Infinite probabilities exist, and you will inevitably pick one of them because that is the mortality game.
However, I said a billion rather than an infinite amount because every life is created through an intention. The intention to experience a life makes:
- The infinite, finite.
- The immortal, mortal.
- The non-physical, physical.
- That which is timeless, timely.
The intention of your life creates a finite focus. You took the infinite number of possible human death scenes through this intention and created a finite number. This is a simple statement that, as spirit, you focused. That movement into focus was your physical birth. Because of this focus, there are a finite number of death scenes for you in this life. This makes predetermination not a discrete on-off thing (where something either is or isn’t predetermined) but a question of degree.
Your life is predetermined according to how focused you make it.
You may have selected a life with a wide focus / intention, or you may have chosen a life with a tight focus / intention. Therefore, even if your life is relatively predetermined, it is only because you determined it to be that way. And you did this from a state of infinite freedom. Predetermination can just be seen as the successful fulfillment of a plan / intention / blueprint. It is not imprisoning. It is fulfilling.
We choose human life because it is fulfilling.
Because we like to feel unconstrained, most people would logically say they wanted to be someone with a billion potential death scenes rather than just a few because that feels freer. You are welcome to have as many death scenes as you like. That is your freedom. However, regardless of how many you have, they are all chosen. Every potential death scene that is available to you in this life is one that you pre-selected through the intention that focused your birth.
Remember that your spirit is infinite. It can view a menu of infinite options and easily select a billion items. Don’t let this infinite nature stop you from seeing that every one of those potential death scenes is consciously / wisely / purposefully chosen to be in alignment with and an expression of your intention for your life.
See how, in this idea of creating a life, you didn’t create a billion endings to your game. Instead, you selected them from an infinite menu (because everything already exists). Now, imagine drifting back to the timelessness that exists before birth. You will find that, unlike your human self, who wants to imagine a billion potential outcomes (to feel free to determine their outcome from within life meaningfully), your spirit feels quite differently.
When your spirit picks up the infinite menu of life, it is attracted by many tantalizing experiences to taste. However, no matter how many exciting options there are, your spirit (just like you, when your mind isn’t clouding the perception of your heart with its fears) was drawn to something in particular. This ‘something in particular’ is like being in the audience at a concert with a mirror on the stage and then spotting your reflection from within the audience.
- It is that flash of recognition.
- It is seeing the self that you will be.
- It is seeing your intention reflected.
- It is recognizing the answer to your question.
- It is receiving a response to your request.
This was what it was like when you saw the probability that is now the life you are living.
To infinite consciousness with an intention, the answer is obvious.
The choice is obvious. It is a free choice, but it is obvious. It is obvious because you have lived many times, which has caused a wanting / desire for exploration within you … a desire to experience more.
Spirit does not experience freedom in the way we do. When you have infinite wisdom, then you have / know / can see all the answers. If there is a certain experience you have had, then there is a certain experience it will suggest. Every experience you have ever had lives within you, calling you forward.
Your spirit is free, yet it does not experience freedom.
In terms of our death scene revelation, what this boils down to is that most people, despite having the option to have as many potential death scenes as they want, have only one. Out of an infinite matrix of probabilities, one probability called out to you in response to your intention in such a way that you knew it was something you wanted to experience. And, as you stepped into that moment … as you stepped into time … you knew it as perfect. You didn’t want any other options. You said, “This is so beautiful. I wish to experience this life.”
And in the seeing of wholeness, the wish for a mortal life is a wish for a mortal death.
It is only in our duality that we say birth and life are good, and death and sickness are bad. Spirit does not divide itself in this way. As it wishes for birth, it also wishes for death because it sees the wholeness of the wish … the entirety of the life (as an array / territory of potentials that reflects the intention).
So you said, “This is so beautiful. I wish to experience this death.” This is confronting to the mortal perspective, but it is simply the logic of the immortal wishing to experience the temporary perceptual projection of mortality. The immortal does not want to be eternally embodied in a single form. It wants temporary embodiment.
Your spirit wishes for death as much as it wishes for life.
A significant part of the mortal veil is an in-built fear of death. Do not be afraid of being curious about your death. You do not need to fear death. Do not fear dying. The old saying is true.
Death feels like taking off a tight pair of shoes.
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