Your Inner Guidance is Powerful — Use it!
“You possess a sense of being more yourself or less yourself. When you approach life with the desire to unashamedly and completely be yourself, you will feel an inner guidance calling you towards what excites you.”
Guidance refers to an inner feelings-based sensation of direction that arises through perception. It can be experienced in many subtle ways, but, at their core, they all represent a pulling of focus towards something that feels exciting.
Knowing Guidance
With nothing external to it, the only thing the one consciousness can ever perceive is itself. This means that all perception is equivalent to looking in a mirror. The outer world reflects what we are back to us through a lens of diversity that we have — through selective focus — honed into a form of space-time mirror.
The human experience is one such form of divisive mirror through which the one consciousness experiences a highly evolved and specialized form of individuality. The depth of separation within humanity has led to a particularly deep tapestry of meanings through which the one consciousness expresses profound individuality, separation, and reflection.
How you have been expressed as an individuated human life in this incredible tapestry of meaning is the clearest and most relevant information available to you as to the intention that has formed your life. This is to understand yourself — meaning your individuated experience of self — as a message from the one consciousness.
Your mortal form is infinitely meaningful.
You are what you seek.
If life must have a purpose, it is to unashamedly be yourself. In this, there is no sense of mission as being yourself is achieved through merely existing. No life can fail because the experience of it is always the next step in answering the multi-dimensional question that formed it. In the unconsciousness of human form, we cannot fully comprehend all the feeling-based ideas we each come to experience. But in being yourself, you are free.
Even though you cannot fail to be yourself, there remains a sense of being more yourself or less yourself that is felt as a quality or dimension to life. When you approach life with the desire to unashamedly and completely be yourself (with unashamedly being in relation to the contrasting environment you have created), you will feel an inner guidance calling you towards what excites you.
However, this guidance is overlaid with the emotional charge of any fear-based history that is still present within you as an emotional wound. The evolution of both feeling and choosing to act upon this inner guidance is the primary tool you have given yourself to suggest the potential paths of transformation that will most powerfully reflect your wider intention for this life.
To live within the intention that formed your mortal self is to live within joy — a joy that is always within reach, waiting for you to embrace it.
Guidance refers to an inner feelings-based sensation of direction that arises through perception. It can be experienced in many subtle ways, but, at their core, they all represent a pulling of focus towards something that feels exciting. This stream of feelings-based information has become masked by the stream of fear-based mental information that overlays it within our perception.
The meaning of life is simply TO BE. This is to experience the reflection of life you have selected through your wider, spiritual intention to be human.
The intention ‘to be’ is always fulfilled as it is a choice to experience, not an outward goal to achieve something in terms of definition.
Your inner feeling of guidance is not an instruction being sent to you by something external. It is the result of a feelings-based perception of the most potent potentials before you within your navigation of the infinite probabilities. This feelings-based perception is often called our sixth sense. This sense does not rationalize from a state of knowledge.
Your guidance is the knowing of the actual feeling of yourself within the reality of each of the future potentials it is responding to.
The meaning of life is to experience the reflection mortal life grants us. This is achieved through simply being. It is, therefore, regardless of action. You cannot fail to meet the intention through which you brought your life into being because you are always being yourself.
Spirit / consciousness / the one consciousness intends to experience the fairground of life, and this is achieved by just entering the fairground. As human beings, our intentions are often defined. For example, we intend to ride every ride at the fairground; this intention may or may not be fulfilled, depending on how many rides you go on. You cannot fail in your spirits’ eyes — only through human perception can we fail.
If you think of an intention as asking a question, then looking in the mirror of yourself is the answer to everything you want to know.
The path to everything you seek is coming to fully know yourself — which is met through loving your human reflection.
To experience the human quality of being yourself, allow what you feel yourself to be rather than seeking to emulate the mental ideals of society. Many call this feeling of guidance the following of the heart. Following your heart is being yourself.
The act of utilizing your guidance is love.
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