Your Perception is a Projection—How Consciousness Constructs Our Shared Reality.
The Illusion of Separation — Understanding Reality as One Unified Consciousness.
Consciousness is awareness of what is. ‘What is’ is everything in existence, including All That Is identified as past, present, future, perceptual, or imaginary. All consciousness, whether within a collective or individual experience of reality, experiences some form of self. These experiences of self can be vastly different from our own.
The One Self or The One Consciousness refers to the self that arises from the totality of all consciousness in existence. All existence occurs within perception. Human existence navigates an individuated focus through the totality of perception.
The One Consciousness = The One Self = All Consciousness = All Definitions = All That Is = Everything in Existence = The Tao = Source Consciousness = God*
*God is everything. God includes every concept of God. There is no opposite to God. God is not less than God when it chooses to experience itself as a human.
Example: To say, “I am The One Consciousness” is to say that you know yourself to be that which is everything in existence. It is to know that every person can say, “I am The One Consciousness.” To know this is to step outside of the personalization and possessiveness of individuality.
All separation is an illusion — all consciousness is interconnected and unified.
What appears as the solidity of the outer world only exists within perception. Perception exists within consciousness, which is aware of perception and experiences presence through it.
Physical matter is created through a perceptual projection that creates the illusion of spatial separation. In the same way that physical space separates one thing from another, linear time is the illusion of temporal separation. Time and space are perceptual projections that create the experience of the outward reality within which your experience of self is contained.
Time-space is the primary form of separation used by consciousness to create experiences of individuality (such as being human).
The outer world and your physical body are the perceptual projection of a state of consciousness that is choosing to dream of being a physical, individuated self — a self that is contained within a world of consistent solidity. You witness this ability of your consciousness to create worlds every night when you dream. However, the waking dream of your life is governed by rules of persistence and linear consistency (rules we have chosen to experience while in human form).
Waking life is a dream with self-imposed consistency.
Consciousness knows it is not separate from anything in terms of either time or space. Therefore, becoming an individual requires choosing to become unconscious of how everything is the unified projection of a single consciousness. This choice for unconsciousness creates an experience of self that possesses its own unique perspective and, thereby, its own unique, unfolding experience of self.
Separation is a perceptual illusion experienced within consciousness. Physical matter and linear time are forms of separation. When not within the perception of separation — which is an illusion — all consciousness experiences itself as one.
A moment of human perception is an experience of partial consciousness because it is a slice of the total perception that exists within the unified consciousness. It is one of an infinite number of ‘momentary’ perceptions that you are sequentially moving through in your creation of a mortal self that lives within linear time.
You are the one consciousness in human form.
The one consciousness uses the illusion of separation to experience itself as many individuals.
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